Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Janz Christmas

The Girls in their Viking's Attire

As you can see, they didn't get much attention with our families here ;-)

Papa Lyle & Grandma Clyde in their glory with all their Grandkids

Cousin Breahn was a natural with the Girls! (Here with Tayla)

Papa Lyle with Braelyn picking her teeth after lunch

Tayla with Steve ...so content

Braelyn - we are all on our way to Subway to see John & Rob

Rob & Tayla

The youngest Subway Advocates :-)

Rob, Braelyn & John

Braelyn & John
Seth's family visited the week after Christmas to celebrate.  Just as with my parents, it seems it's never enough time together.  We did a lot of fun things which included heading to the Subway Cafe in downtown Denver that our good friend's own.  Another memorable Christmas...I can't believe we are in 2011 already!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great Christmas with lots of family! The girls are getting so big and so stinkin cute....cant wait to see you all again!
