Monday, October 11, 2010

6 Months Old

I've decided to start a family blog so that everyone can view updated pictures of the Girls when it works for them.  I've followed other family blogs and they are wonderful.  I'm hoping to become better at capturing moments with my camera and keeping this updated.   Plus, this way I can be done with forgetting people when I send out group emails - ha!

Above are pictures of the Girls around 6-months old (taken this past weekend).  We've gotten into a routine which, right now, includes evening stroller rides being the weather is near perfect.  The Girls are turning over and trying their hardest to crawl.  Tayla "scoots" and can cross a room in a matter of minutes. Braelyn is into voice-fluctuations, talks all the time and likes to "screech.".  They are doing well on solids, have been great night sleepers, smile at each other, love to watch Percy, giggle and are so fun; We are loving this "parenting" thing!


  1. Great pics Karmel! We have the same jogging stroller....just was out with it this morning, what a beautiful day!

  2. Welcome to blogging! So excited to be able to keep up with your growing girls!

  3. They are so cute!! Excited to follow your blog and see new pics of the girls!!

  4. Yeah!! I finally figured out how to follow you...I didn't have a google account, so wasn't sure what to do, but it was easy! :-) I LOVE the new pics! We can't wait to see you guys NEXT WEEK! Yeah!
